
Sep 04

We had a layover in Dubai on our way back from India that we decided to extend for 3 days. I was super pumped to see the world’s tallest building and the man-made islands. I remember watching a documentary on Dubai in an art history class in college, and I couldn’t believe I was actually […]

Aug 21
Published by K10 In Destinations, India 4 Comments

My first day in India was a completely eye opening experience. Over my years of traveling I never have felt the way India made me feel. On that first day, driving through chaotic traffic, horns blazing, rickshaws swerving in between cars and mopeds, I felt frightened. I felt very far from home, and worried that […]

Aug 16
Published by K10 In Dear Life, India 3 Comments

Hyderabad, India July 15th – 26th Dear Life, Thank you for a new world that challenges so much of what I thought I knew. Thank you for that scared and unsettling feeling when I am completely out of my element. Thank you for the two beautiful ladies who followed us around the Golkonda fort, just enjoying our […]

Jul 22
Published by K10 In Dear Life, Nicaragua No Comments

Redonda Bay, Nicaragua Week of July 3rd – 10th Dear Life, Thank you for the wind in my face as I flew through the canopy on the zipline. Thank you for the billion twinkling stars in the heavens. This universe makes me feel so small sometimes.  Thank you for new experiences and adventures. Thank you […]

Jun 24
Published by K10 In California, Dear Life No Comments

My favorite travel blogger, Kim, has started a Dear Life column and I decided to join in. Be sure to check out her series here. San Diego, CA Week of June 10th Dear Life, Thank you for small gruffess barks from the snuggly puppy at my feet. Thank you for the sticky sweat that covers me. […]